Welcome to Atta Girl Says, the new online lifestyle magazine for women of a certain age who share our passion for living homemade.
Crafty, sassy, irreverent and just a little bit frazzled, Atta Girl is the alter ego of a modern mommy living in North Carolina.
Atta Girl loves modern conveniences — she’d be lost without her smartphone, the dishwasher, boxed wine and the pizza delivery boy — but she appreciates the handmade, homemade and old-fashioned. She’s a cook, a crafter and a consummate dabbler in all things domestic. Atta Girl does the June Cleaver bit — and then some — but without the high heels and pearls.
Atta Girl Amy is a “recovering” journalist who earns her living writing business books and dispensing propaganda for her PR clients. She forces her 5-year-old to watch home decorating shows and has co-opted the family’s garage for painting, glittering and other creative projects. She enjoys cooking, paper crafting, furniture rehab and entertaining. Currently, Amy is undergoing extensive retail therapy to regain her sanity.
I hope you’ll visit me often as I share my projects, recipes and musings on motherhood, marriage and modern life.